Was auditing a website today and came across this error in the apache error log. This is due an issue with the theme and PHP 7.4 or greater. To resolve I added the following to /redux/inc/class.redux_filesystem.php
Insert a line before 29
Line 28 public function __construct() {
New Line $this->parent = (object)array();
Line 29 $this->parent->admin_notices[] = array(
This resolved the issue, I didn’t have a recurrence of error anymore.
Excellent ! Merci beaucoup.
Hello jadams21,
thank you very much, that fixed it!
Awesomme, THANKS!!!
I am having the same issue but it is not helping to solve the problem.
Thank you!!! thank You!!!!!
Worked great! Thanks
Thanks for solving this.
It worked.
BR Rolf
amazing fix, save my time
Thanks so much
it worked for me thanks
Still in 2023 its working!
Muchas gracias, la solución funciona.
Thank you! Still useful today.
I mounted my site locally, by adding the following line :
I added thie line $this->parent = (object)array();
the site no longer has an error, but the css are not taken into account on the version of my site locally
Obrigado! Hoje mesmo essa intervenção me ajudou e muito.
Thank you very much, this saved me, had this issue with an old website.
Thanks for the solution.
Thank u 🙂
Thank you so much! You’re the best!
Working but..some error not gone yet…see this : https://prnt.sc/6l36xMtUa3Co ..please can you help me?